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Con prórroga o sin ella, elección judicial va, asegura Taddei; afirma que presupuesto de 13 mmdp no es ninguna “ocurrencia”
Así fingió “El Guacho” su muerte para vivir en Estados Unidos; su esposa es hija de “El Mencho”, líder del CJNG
INE aprueba calendario y programa de trabajo para elección judicial; hay un retraso del 15% en actividades
Senado inicia discusión para aprobar reforma contra maltrato animal; Estado debe garantizar su cuidado y conservación
Diputados inician debate para crear supersecretaría de García Harfuch; prevén que dictamen se apruebe por unanimidad
Exceso de reformas erosiona legitimidad, afirma ministra Norma Piña; pide a universitarios pensamiento crítico
Elba Esther Gordillo is planning her return
Sources said Elba Esther Gordillo , with the help of her legal team, is getting ready to fight back and return to her position as a teacher and school principal. However, it’s not like Elba Esther wants to return to classes. This is part of a legal strategy so she can lead the teachers’ union known as SNTE ; moreover, she is willing to fight through two organizations: Maestros por México and Redes Sociales Progresistas. So Elba Esther could soon be a teacher and gain access to the powerful union.
The President ignores health measures
Although President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he follows hygiene measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 , he might not follow certain measures during his state of the union address. Sources said the President will host around 70 guests at the National Palace, even when Mexico City authorities recommend events with 50 guests or less. Will the local government call the federal government out?
Morena vs. Morena
Insiders said the ruling party, Morena , faced a few challenges inside the party to appoint a new Senate leader, senator Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar. Although Ramírez Aguilar received votes from all parliamentary groups, at least 10 Morena senators didn’t vote for him. Moreover, former Senate leader, Mónica Fernández Balboa, is now taking over the Constitutional Matter Committee.
The PRI dismisses the INE
Some PRI members say that while the party has spent too much time in its bid to lead the lower chamber, it has forgotten about other important issues. This is the case of the PRI’s representative before the INE’s Surveillance Commission. After Eugenio Albuerne Piña passed away two months ago, the PRI didn't appoint a new representative. Insiders said it is urgent to appoint a new representative before the INE because there are several upcoming elections in 2020 and 2021. Some people can’t believe the PRI is ignoring such an important position.