“El Bronco,” all by himself

Not a single voice was heard yesterday at the National Electoral Institute ( INE ) defending the independent presidential candidate Jaime Rodríguez Calderón (El Bronco) , who was accused by Mexico's Office of the Attorney General of the triangulation of money, in addition to the fine for MXN$ 739,000 for irregularities. The chair of the representative of the candidate, Javier Náñez , was empty as part of a strategy so he can say he wasn't aware of the situation. We're told Náñez went to the meeting but he left quickly to avoid participating in the discussion. Thus the representation of “El Bronco” arrived quite smugly to complain about irregularities in the application of the INE to gather signatures and left with an accusation. No one has sprung to the defense of the independent candidate and it all points out to him being all by himself now.

Silvano Aureoles is still with the PRD...for now

We're told that the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) will “forgive the life,” at least for now, of Silvano Aureoles , Michoacán Governor, after he made public his support for the presidential candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) José Antonio Meade . We're told that the national leadership resolved to leave their resolution on whether to expel Aureoles from the party after the July 1st elections, pursuant to the party's by-laws. Our sources say that the leaders of the PRD decided not to add more fuel to the fire and will wait after the presidential election to proceed on this matter. Moreover, they claim that they have received signals that the support of Mr. Silvano for Meade is more of a verbal than effective nature – and that this will also be taken into consideration when reviewing his case.

Anaya and the bishops

We're told that the presidential candidate of the “For Mexico to the Front” coalition, Ricardo Anaya , hasn't only met in private with the business elite and leaders of civil organizations but also with representatives of the Catholic hierarchy beyond his meeting with bishops, members of the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM). During Anaya's visit to Guadalajara , he met with Archbishop Francisco Robles Ortega, while in Morelia he got together with Carlos Garfias. Could it be Mr. Ricardo is asking the clergy to lend him a hand so they pray for his victory next July st?

Will AMLO have the support of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas?

We're told that Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) keeps his hope of receiving the support of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas during the last stretch of the campaigns. “We'll wait,” replied Andrés Manuel on whether Cárdenas had his back or not. However, it seems Cárdenas has his mind quite set: he'll support the candidate who decides to backtrack the energy reform and will not be enough to review the contracts of Petróleos Mexicanos. Will he get that promise from Mr. Andrés?


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