
Earthquake drill in Mexico City

Participate in the drill to make sure you're prepared for the next earthquake

Mexico implemented drills after a series of disastrous earthquakes - Photo: Berenice Fregoso/EL UNIVERSAL
20/01/2020 |09:49Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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The federal government will carry out an drill today, in order to prepare people for a future natural disaster , especially after the country was struck by two disastrous in 1985 and 2017 .

According to authorities, the drill will take place at 11 a.m. in the 32 Mexican states.

The seismic alarm will be activated and alert people that it is a drill . Mexico City authorities announced there will be four disaster scenarios in important areas of the city: Insurgentes and Reforma ; Zócalo ; Eje Central and Flores Magón , and Cuauhtémoc and División del Norte .

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This will be the first drill of 2020 and authorities plan to organize two more throughout the year.

The government also launched the website www.preparados.gob.mx , where people will be able to report their location and how long it took them to evacuate the building.
