
Dolce & Gabbana Runway to arrive in Mexico!

Showcasing Alta Moda collection for women, Alta Sartoria collection for men and their latest watch offering

A window of a Dolce & Gabbana Srl store is pictured in Paris, France – Photo: Benoit Tessier/REUTERS
27/03/2018 |16:00Gabriela Mares |
Redacción El Universal
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The Italian luxury fashion house Dolce & Gabbana will showcase three collections— Alta Moda collection for women , Alta Sartoria collection for men , and its latest watch offering—for the first time in Mexico City at the Soumaya Museum in Polanco on April 18 , according to fashion magazines Elle and Fashion Network .

Last year, Dolce & Gabbanna opened two boutiques and its first outlet factory in Mexico , the boutiques located in El Palacio de Hierro' s flagship department store in Polanco and in exclusive shopping mall Via Santa Fe both in Mexico City, and the outlet factory located in premium outlet Punta Norte in Cuautitlán Izcalli , State of Mexico, about 35 kilometers away from Mexico City.

With those openings, Dolce & Gabbanna currently owns five boutiques across the country and one outlet factory .

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Italian luxury fashion house Dolce & Gabbana was founded in 1985 in Legnano by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana iconic figures in fashion.
