
Did the Culiacán incident affect López Obrador?

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The President said he approved the release of Ovidio Guzmán in order to save innocent lives - Photo: Jorge Luis Plata/EL UNIVERSAL
23/10/2019 |09:54
Redacción El Universal
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Did the Culiacán incident affect López Obrador?

After several surveys and polls were carried out through social media, many have said that the release of Ovidio Guzmán , “El Chapo” Guzmán's son , didn't have an impact on President López Obrador 's reputation . Nevertheless, experts say that it's too soon to issue a diagnosis for several reasons, one of them is that some of the questions were made before the release o f Ovidio Guzmán and the power shown by the Sinaloa cartel. Also, we've been told that we have to await the results from door to door polls. Only after that, we will really know how much did the release Ovidio Guzmán cost the President .

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Who will occupy Medina Mora's seat?

We've been told that the vacant position that became available after the scandalous resignation of Eduardo Medina Mora from the Supreme Court will be filled in 2020 . We were told that this is what Ricardo Monreal was told by the President's office, therefore, until the end of the year, Monreal only has to worry about the new head of the National Human Rights Commission and the head of the Federal Judicial Council , state magistrates, and appointing officials in Pemex .

War against Mario Delgado

We've been told that someone inside the party ordered the cancellation of Morena 's assembly in Iztacalco on Sunday, just when Mario Delgado was set to arrive and register to run for counselors ; this way, he could fulfill the requirements to participate in the party's internal election and become the next party leader. Nevertheless, as we told you yesterday, everything indicated that Mario Delgado couldn't register and won't be able to participate in the election. Nevertheless, we've been told that this was a dirty move against Delgado , furthermore, Morena's voter roll was a disaster. Will someone stop the person orchestrating all this moves against him?

Mayors are sprayed with tear gas

The President's office c onfirmed that it used “a moderate amount of tear gas that didn't put any lives at risk” to disperse a protest organized by mayors , who demanded to see President López Obrador. Even if the way in which they requested a meeting was not the best method since they tried to break into the President's office, this case stands out because of the use of force . There are some people who claim that while the President said he wouldn't use force, he never mentioned tear gas , especially against the opposition who didn't schedule a meeting.
