
Did the ambassador turn his back on Mexico?

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Christopher Landau was appointed as the U.S. ambassador to Mexico by Donald Trump this year - Photo: Alejandro Guzmán/Notimex
15/12/2019 |11:37
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Did the ambassador turn his back on Mexico?

like any other previous U.S. ambassador to Mexico , is in charge of his country's interests. In his case, many were surprised by his empathy with Mexican traditions and culture . He has visited different places and even shared how much he likes Mexican food on social media …but he suddenly disappeared during a key moment for the relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Sources in the Senate told us that when the Undersecretary for North America , Jesús Seade Kuri , reached out to Landau to question him regards to labor inspectors , something Washington insisted on during the USMCA negotiations but the U.S. ambassador was not available. This is why Seade is traveling to Washington, in order to meet with Robert Lighthizer, the United States Trade Representative , to investigate if this is a secondary law to inspect Mexico or if it is a mistake, or if Mexico was simply tricked.

Who is behind the USMCA?

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In 1994 , when the first with U.S. and Canada was signed, Jaime Serra Puche , the Commerce Minister during Carlos Salinas ' administration, took all the credit. In 2018, during the Peña Nieto administration, the official who led the negotiations was Ildefonso Guajardo , the Economy Minister. Now, during the López Obrador administration, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard is leading the negotiations; this means the Economy Ministry, led by Graciela Márque z, hasn't been on the spotlight. Moreover, it is Undersecretary Jesús Seade who is putting off fires. In the end, it'll be the Foreign Ministry who will be praised or criticized.

What is going on?

We've been told that gave the order not to invite the press to yesterday's event, where we supervised the Sowing Life ( Sembrando Vida ) program, although it was open to the public. The reason is that people in Tabasco said that governor Adán Augusto López was lying when he said that all government aid is directly given to people; so imagine what could have happened in Coatzacoalcos , Veracruz , where governor Cuitláhuac García was present. Is President López Obrador protecting governors? Or is it something linked to the federal government, that he doesn't want to be made public?

Will Pope Francis visit Mexico?

Alberto Barranco

has presented his credentials to . The diplomat said he talked to the Pope about migration and corruption , among other topics. Do you think Barranco will convince the Pope to visit Mexico ? This has been an awaited request from López Obrador's administration , which hasn't been received with enthusiasm in the Vatican .
