
Dialogue, the tool against hate

It's time the different social groups in the U.S. find what they have in common and start rebuilding their bridges

"I support gender equality" reads the sign held by these two young students - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
31/10/2017 |09:00
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Hate speech

has defined painful times throughout the history of humanity. The inability to recognize the other as an equal who has the same rights, the same dignity, leads to serious mistakes, to oppression and abuse which populations and individuals tend to regret on the long term – according to our history. Hate spread from a position of power is not only harmful to democracy, but to the core of what makes us human.

Laws ensure compliance with and respect for basic human rights, similarly to how they establish equality among all the individuals who live in a democracy. This is the core of the social contract which gives sense to everyday life. Despite all this, the most powerful country in the world is undergoing a conflict: on the one hand, they have their wide and deep-rooted democratic tradition, on the other, they are being led by a character who promotes a hate speech never seen before in our times.

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Hate has been forced into the United States , according to American writer Francisco Goldman , as published today by EL UNIVERSAL . From Goldman's perspective, hate is everywhere and is going in all directions in a society which appears to be fragmented. At the bottom of it all, he says, there's fear and the complexes of that country's communities which were seduced by Trump's speech, whom Goldman considered pulled the trigger on this situation but isn't the only guilty party.

The United States developed a long time ago a strong institutional structure, which has allowed them to contain power excesses. However, this very strength is today threatened by the attitudes of Trump and his segregationist policies , as he has surrounded himself with other characters who share his views. If the American institutions are seized by this group, the threat could become even worse.

The results of these policies, of these attitudes in public life, will be seen in the mid-term. Nevertheless, it's time for all the different social groups in the United States to find what they have in common and start rebuilding bridges all communities can share. There seems to be no other alternative before Trump – the consequences of his administration may demand the nation and its allies to pay a high price.

The history of humanity and, moreover, the own human experience, support the claim that the most effective tool against a hate speech is dialogue , a reconciliation with the other. Cultural, economic or political differences can never be above the dignity of each individual, of each people. From this assertion, American society can start to redirect their current situation and create a positive impact in the world. Today, against Trump, the key is dialogue.