
The device that could save lives during Christmas

Merry Pop Christmas is a firefighting system that consists of a star and a set of spheres that are activated in case a Christmas catches on fire

Marry Pop Christmas was designed to prevent the burning of Christmas trees - Photo: Traken from Merry Pop Christmas' Kickstarter page
05/02/2019 |12:35Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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During the 29th edition of the Círculo de Oro Festival , a festival that recognizes the talent in advertising agencies in Mexico awarded the Grand Prix award to Figallo No Format Agency, who developed “Merry Pop Christmas” for Fire Service Plus Mexico (FSPM).

According to Vieri Figallo, CEO and founder of Figallo, and Ivan Gutiérrez, vice president , “Merry Pop Christmas” is a firefighting system that consists of a star and a set of spheres that are activated in case a Christmas tree catches on fire .

In an interview, Iván Gutiérrez said that this product is important because although the Christmas season is one of the happiest times during the year, Christmas lights can cause fires .

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He said that according to firefighters , in Mexico , there are between 11,000 and 12,000 emergency calls , 60% are to report a Christmas tree on fire , which causes the death of around 400 people per year.

He said that most of these fires usually take place between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m . when families are sleeping. He also explained that a Christmas tree burns in 45 seconds and the fire can extend to the whole house in three minutes, while firefighters arrive between six and 10 minutes after the emergency call.

These spheres are an innovation, as they extinguish the part of the tree that is burning. They are made with a material that resists high temperatures, and the spheres also contain 85 milliliters of liquid to extinguish the fire .


said that among Mexicans , there is no fire prevention culture because there are no fire extinguishers at home, and if there are, they may have expired; also, most people do not know how to use one.

Therefore, “Merry Pop Christmas” wants to become an automatic security system , that is, that the spheres decorate the Christmas tree and at the same time, they protect the families.

He explained that “Merry Pop Christmas ” is a prototype and the project has been published on Kickstarter , the largest creative project financing platform in the world, in order to make the Christmas firefighting set a reality in 2019.

