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It might sound a bit macabre, perhaps even mocking, that a funeral home decides to partner with an artist collective to celebrate the Day of the Dead , but that’s exactly what J. García López and Locos por el Arte (Crazy about Art) are doing with “ Mexicráneos 2018 ” (“ Mexiskulls ”) – and no, there’s nothing macabre or sarcastic about it.
Mexicráneos showcases 54 crystal resin skulls decorated by several artists, placed along Reforma Avenue , from the Angel of Independence to the Roundabout of the Palm.
The " Mexicráneos " exhibition is set to visit Italy and France .
The pieces will be auctioned and the funds will be given to chary.
A VR exhibition, complementary to the skulls, has also been installed at the roundabout of the Angel of Independence to offer audiences two possible experiences: discover what is inside a " Mexicráneo ", or paint a 3D version of a skull in ten minutes.
The exhibition will be available until November 11 , and if you want to take part in the VR experience , you need to register for free at the exhibition’s official website here.