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On March 9 , women will skip work as a way to protest against femicide . If every woman in Mexico stopped working for a day, including unpaid work , the Mexican economy could register losses for over MXN $37,000 million; this figure is higher than oil income obtained in December 2019.
In late 2019, authorities registered 22 million female workers in the country. According to estimates, if every Mexican woman protest on March 9 and skips work, the gross value added would decrease by MXN $26,000 million.
However, the impact could be more serious if estimates include unpaid work such as caring for children and domestic work , which represents over MXN $11,000 million in one day; this is 17.5% of the GDP generated in one day.
Recommended: Mexican women call for a national strike after a series of brutal femicides
Additionally, the manufacturing industry would be the most affected one since women are essential. It is estimated that the loss would amount to over MXN $20,000 million; this represents 79.% of the total generated by women.
Other industries could lose millions . Commerce could lose over MXN $6,000 million; social services could lose over MXN $3,000 million, and restaurants could lose over MXN $3,000 million.
Despite the economic consequences the national women’s strike could have, several government departments and businesses are showing their support and women who join the protest will be paid.
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Last week, after the brutal femicide on Ingrid , Fátima , and many other women, activists called for a national women’s strike in order to protest against femicide and gender violence .