
David Huerta wins 2018 José Emilio Pacheco Award

Granted by the Yucatán International Reading Fair

David Huerta – Photo: Berenice Fregoso/EL UNIVERSAL
14/11/2017 |15:35
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Mexican poet, essayist, and translator David Huerta won the Excellence in Letters Award " José Emilio Pacheco " 2018 , granted by the Yucatán International Reading Fair ( Feria Internacional de la Lectura Yucatán abbreviated FILEY ).

David Huerta, writer and columnist for EL UNIVERSAL , was chosen for "his excellent contribution to Mexican literature in poetry, essay, journalism, and translation.”

Particularly, David Huerta excels in poetry, and “ Incurable ,” a long poem in which he portrays his richness and creativity poetic power," stands out according to the FILEY.

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David Huerta was born in 1949 . He received the 2005 Xavier Villaurrutia Prize and he was awarded Mexico's National Prize for Arts and Sciences .

Huerta is the author of El jardín de la luz ( The Garden of Light ) (1972), Cuaderno de noviembre ( Notebook November ) (1992), La sombra de los perros ( The shadow of dogs ) (1996), among others.
