Mexican gymnast Daniel Corral secured his participation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games after he ended in 12th place in the all-around final of the taking place in Stuttgart, Germany.

Corral scored 80.164 points in the preliminary phase that allowed him to classify to the final stage that took place Monday afternoon. There, he had a good performance and ended in the 12th place with which he classified to his third Olympics .

Previously, Corral, of 29 years of age , participated in the London 2012 Olympic Games in which he registered his best result in parallel bars , in which he ended in 5th place , winning an Olympic diploma . In vault , he ended in 6th place .


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Nonetheless, he was not able to repeat that performance in the Río 2016 Olympic Games. In parallel bars, he ended in 25th place , while in vault he ended in 47th . He was not able to reach the Olympic final in none of the categories.


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Corral is one of the few Mexican gymnasts that was able to climb the world podium. He won silver medals in 2013 Antwerp and the 2013 Kazan Universiade .


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