
Cuernavaca massacre: A local cartel is behind the deadly attack

More details have emerged regarding the brutal attack registered in Cuernavaca, Morelos

The state prosecutor’s office confirmed the attack was perpetrated by a local criminal organization - Photo: Margarito Pérez/CUARTOSCURO.COM
03/09/2020 |11:40Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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More details have emerged regarding the brutal attack registered in Cuernavaca , Morelos . The gunmen first attacked three young men at a bus stop, then they attacked over 100 people who were attending a funeral , killing eight and wounding 17.

According to police chiefs, the shooting signals the intensification of a turf war between two local cartels, led by Abel Maya and a man known as “XL” or “El Señorón.” Both criminal organizations aim to control Cuernavaca and drug trafficking , especially the sale of crystal meth.

Authorities believe the two local cartels have forged alliances with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and Los Rojos.

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Shooting at a funeral

Fear and anguish confused those present at the funeral, who provided contradicting testimonies to local authorities.

Witnesses said the gunmen arrived in two trucks and killed three young men who were waiting for the bus. Then they targeted the mourners. They said the gunmen only stopped shooting because they ran out of bullets.

According to official reports, the attack took place at 10:15 pm; however, authorities arrived at the scene until 10:40 pm.

Authorities used surveillance cameras to identify some of the gunmen and their license plates.

The state prosecutor’s office confirmed the attack was perpetrated by a local criminal organization . The weapons used during the attacks have been recently used in other deadly attacks, such as the massacre of six young men on August 14.


La Barona, a dangerous neighborhood

La Barona neighborhood, where the deadly attack took place, is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the state.

Gunmen previously launched an attack in the same home where a family hosted a funeral, killing two people.

The investigation indicates the cartel gunmen knew their rivals would be at the funeral and decided to attack. In the end, the criminals killed seven men and one woman, they also wounded 14 men and three women.

However, the attack continued. The cartel returned to the area the next morning and shot a home located two blocks away from the crime scene.

The local police expect the criminal group to retaliate against the gunmen.

The victims

All those who died in the attack lived in La Barona.

Édgar Alexander, 18; Roberto Eduardo, 21; Marcelino Alejandro,18, and a 16-year-old died during the shooting. Óscar David, 21, died when he arrived at a hospital.

Aylin Sherezada, 25, died hours later in hospital. Víctor Omar, 31, and a 15-year-old also died at the hospital.

Édgar Alexander worked at a pharmacy, he played soccer in his free time.

Roberto Eduardo worked for a company selling snacks. He fixed motorcycles and played soccer in his free time.

Marcelino Alejandro worked at a pouty shop. His boss raised funds to help his family pay for his funeral.

Daniel, 16, was about to start high school.

Aylin Sherezada and her husband sold fruits and vegetables.

Víctor Omar was a hard-working man. His family says he was saving money to build a home because he wanted to start a family.

Diego, 15, loved playing soccer. He dreamed of becoming a famous soccer player.
