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is the name of the app presented during the daily news conference about the coronavirus situation in Mexico. Dr. Ricardo Cortés Alcalá explained that this app was created to “reinforce people’s knowledge about C OVID-19 ” as well as to promote health.
Moreover, this app has the objective of easing the exchange of information “validated and with a scientific base” between the authorities who make decisions and civilians. It is very easy to use.
Recommended: COVID-19 FAQs
Currently, this app is available for Android and it can be downloaded at the Google Play Store by typing the full name of the app “COVID-19mx.”
Once installed, the app will ask the user for the permits required for its operation. COVID-19mx has national coverage and a multi-report structure, that is, it can register several profiles and symptoms .
Once opened, the first screen shows a green background with the legend #QuédateEnCasa (Stay Home) . After closing this first image, the user has access to the home.
On the main screen of the app, at the top, there is the question “ Do you suspect you or someone close to you could have coronavirus? ” By choosing NO , there is another screen with the recommended measures to prevent an infection.

On the other hand, by choosing YES , the app will guide the user to a questionnaire where the first question is whether you have symptoms of the disease (cough, sore throat, headaches, fever, etc). If the user answers NO , the next will be to determine if within the last 7 days they have shown any symptoms related to the virus. If they answer NO to the second question, the app will send the recommendation of limiting the exposure to crowded places and practicing physical distancing .
However, if the answer regarding the symptoms is YES , the app will show a screen asking the user to stay home until 14 days have passed from the beginning of the symptoms. Then, it asks the user to fill a registry with information such as name, age, gender, and address.
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However, if on the first question (current symptoms), the user answers YES , the questionnaire will appear immediately. In this version, the user will also be asked to answer questions about conditions that could put them on a high-risk group (such as having diabetes, hypertension, or pregnant).

In the lower part of the app, there are four icons: a world globe , a question mark , a pencil with a sheet of paper , and a newspaper . The first redirects to a screen with care centers. There, users can get a list of the closest care centers according to the location of their device and another list according to state.
The question mark shows COVID-19 FAQs . The pencil with a sheet of paper sends the user to the screen with measures to prevent the infection and spread of the virus. Finally, the newspaper is the news section ; from there, the user can have access to articles about the daily conferences about the coronavirus situation in Mexico.
Likewise, the home section features the option of reading the privacy notice . It specifies that the information requested in the questionnaire is only used to make contact with the user regarding a “ request or commentary .” In addition, it mentions that these commentaries could be included in statistics reports that would not include information that allows for individual identification . It also specifies that “personal information could be provided to third parties , adopting the necessary measures that guarantee their safety.”
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