Last weekend, criminals stole from the Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso Hospital located in Oaxaca ; the equipment was meant to be used to treat patients. However, this wasn’t the only incident as 7 were also stolen from an IMSS hospital in the state.

After the crimes, Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat said authorities are investigating the incidents and that those responsible for the theft will face justice .


In addition, Murat announced there will be full transparency in regards to and supplies so that healthcare workers know they will have the proper equipment to face the COVID-19 pandemic .

Murat announced his government will purchase more ventilators , besides the ones it will receive from the federal government .

So far, no other thefts have been registered in amid the COVID-19 pandemic; however, health workers have been physically attacked and discriminated in several states, which has prompted authorities to deploy the army and police to protect them.



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