
COVID-19: Suspected case registered in Mexico City

A suspected case includes any person of any age with mild or serious acute respiratory disease that, up to 14 days prior to showing symptoms, has been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case or has traveled to countries with local infection

18 suspected cases have been dismissed in Mexico – Photo: Wu Hong/EFE
27/02/2020 |19:44Perla Miranda |
Redacción El Universal
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The is analyzing a new suspected case in Mexico City .


This time, a 44-year-old man received ambulatory care since he presented a mild clinical picture , according to the agency

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In Mexico’s daily COVID-19 report , it was stressed that, after performing the second extraordinary session of the Interinstitutional Technical Group of the National Committee for Epidemiologic Surveillance , the definition of suspected case has been updated.


Now, a suspected case will include any person of any age that presents mild or serious acute respiratory disease that, up to 14 days prior to showing symptoms, has been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case or has traveled to countries with local infection, such as China , Hong Kong , South Korea , Japan , Italy , Iran , and Singapore .”

