
COVID-19 sparks panic among politicians

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

At least four coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Mexico - Photo: Ivan Stephens/EL UNIVERSAL
01/03/2020 |11:01
Redacción El Universal
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COVID-19 sparks panic among politicians

The first confirmed COVID-19 cases in Mexico City led senators to cancel some of their activities. Senate leader Mónica Fernández Balboa informed that all events and meetings would be canceled, except for some parliamentary meetings . This decision will make inactivity more noticeable since senators will only handle minor cases. In contrast, the federal government insists that it’s not necessary to cancel activities.


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Lawmakers want re-election

Last Sunday, the newspaper informed that federal lawmakers are working on bills that would allow them to reelect themselves. We’ve been told that there are at least 30 Morena lawmakers who are analyzing the possibility to reelect themselves, one of them is Mario Delgado . They are apparently analyzing whether they should request a leave of absence while they compete for a position or if they can do it while they’re in office.


Roberto Sandoval could lose his fortune

We’ve been told that the case of former Governor Roberto Sandoval is meant to send a message to the legislative branch. Currently, the PRI politician is trying to recover almost MXN $1,200 million seized by the Financial Intelligence Unit led by Santiago Nieto , which in collaboration with the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control , seized the money. The thing is that if Congress passes a reform against money laundering , the government will likely seize Sandoval’s fortune , which according to investigations, has an illegal origin.


Is there gender equality at the PAN?

We’ve been told that some PAN mayors have complained to PAN president Marko Cortés since they consider the party’s discourse in regards to violence against women seems to be a charade. Recently, some PAN governors haven’t been kind to female mayors since some of them have political aspirations. Both Tere Jiménez in Aguascalientes and Maki Ortíz in Tamaulipas have filed their complaints at the commission that deals with gender-based violence ; however, there is still hostility on both states.

