
COVID-19: Mexico’s  federal government temporarily suspends its activities

In recent days, the Mexican government has implemented more strict measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Dr. López Gatell urged  the private sector to allow its employees to work from home - Photo: Ivan Stephens/EL UNIVERSAL
26/03/2020 |16:01Perla Miranda |
Redacción El Universal
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Dr. Hugo López Gatell

, Mexico’s Deputy Health Minister and czar, announced the federal government will temporarily suspend all non-essential activities starting today.

Until March 25, Mexico registered 475 cases and six deaths. Authorities are analyzing 1,656 possible cases.

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Although the majority of government offices and departments will halt their operations, others won’t join the initiative. Hospitals , gas stations, the electricity company, and the police will operate normally.


During a news conference, Dr. López Gatell said “the entire federal government will suspend its activities. Each minister will decide who can’t stop working because it would put the operation of the institution at risk; for example, the Health Ministry coordinates medical attention. We need hospitals, fuel, electricity, cleaning services, public security. There are people who work for the government who can’t stop working because it will seriously affect the functionality of the government.”

Moreover, López Gatell urged the private sector to allow its to .

Mexico will implement more strict measures until April 19 .


Additionally, announced he won’t organize massive events during his upcoming trips and will no longer shake hands, kiss, or hug his supporters.

This weekend, the President will visit Nayarit , Sonora , Sinaloa , and Baja California , where he will supervise the construction of several projects .

President López Obrador recently issued a decree to send the , pregnant women, the disabled , and those who suffer chronic illnesses home and for them to get paid.

