
COVID-19: Mexican university produces medical equipment for the battle against coronavirus

The production of medical supplies is part of the Polytechnic University of Victoria's strategies to mitigate COVID-19

Nurse Giovanni Barragan adjusts his protective face shield inside a mobile health clinic – Photo: Rebecca Blackwell/AP
11/04/2020 |09:44Roberto Aguilar / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Personnel of the in Tamaulipas have begun manufacturing medical equipment consisting of plastic headbands with acetate face shields , ventilator engines , valves , and isolation pods for COVID-19 patients intended for the health units in the state.


The production of medical supplies is part of the strategies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Tamaulipas with the help of the state government through the Health Ministry and the university.

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State Health minister Gloria Molina Gamboa

stressed the importance of coordinated efforts to face the new coronavirus pandemic so as to keep strengthening the health system.


She urged the population to stay home , to constantly and adequately clean their hands , as well as to turn to physical distancing should they need to go out of their houses.

The UPV projects for Mexico’s fight against coronavirus are led by the professors Leonel Maldonado Rivera, José Amparo Rodríguez García, Sergio Isauro Flores Vázquez, Ricardo Murillo Alfaro, Antonio Enríquez Sifuentes, and Adalberto Castillo Robles, with the support of engineer Humberto Lizárraga.

