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Sheinbaum responde a Trump sobre declarar a cárteles como organizaciones terroristas; rechaza injerencia extranjera
PAN exige renuncia de Rubén Rocha Moya; Claudia Sheinbaum sigue protegiéndolo en “complicidad vergonzante”
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Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum announced that it will be mandatory to wear face masks when stepping into public spaces amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent days, local authorities announced it will be mandatory to wear face masks inside public transport .
During a press conference, Sheinbaum said that it is better to wear a face mask when you leave home, not only inside public transport, and recommended the use of reusable face masks.
She added that some scientific journals have recently published information in regard to the use of face masks and recommended its use, especially in metropolitan areas .
The new measure will be implemented amid the most critical stage of the COVID-19 pandemic when more contagions are expected.
Recommended: It is now mandatory to wear a face mask to ride Mexico City's subway