
COVID-19: How to sleep well during quarantine

Sleeping well is essential for physical and mental health

Having a good sleep is essential for you health - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
02/05/2020 |10:37
Redacción El Universal
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The change in our routines caused by the coronavirus lockdown has made it difficult for many people to have a good sleep . Here are 10 tips to sleep well during the quarantine.

Doctor Diego García-Borreguero

, director of the , says that it is normal for people to experience insomnia during the quarantine. Anxiety and stress caused by the current situation can prevent you from sleeping at night.

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Lauri Loewenberg

, an expert in dream analysis and a member of the , adds that people could also have nightmares that express their anguish during the coronavirus pandemic .

Do cardio

García Borreguero thinks that cardio could help you rest more than relaxing activities like yoga and recommends performing a cardio routine between four and six hours before sleeping.

The rise in body temperature will then slowly go down by some degrees helping you sleep.

Sleep half an hour less

If we usually need seven and a half hours to have an excellent rest, García-Borreguero recommends eliminating the last 30 minutes . Hence, the body will strengthen the sleeping mechanism at night.


Write down your concerns

Loewenberg suggests to write down our worries so as to prevent nightmares . Moreover, you must add your positive objectives and the steps to reach them. This is a very easy way to organize your thoughts and channel your frustrations.

Disconnect yourself

Experts agree that rituals before going to bed are important, more so if they are not related to the pandemic. They advise you to disconnect yourself before going to sleep from anything that is related to work or news and choosing to read a book or watch a movie instead.

Create a routine

If you need to take a nap during the day, it is best to make it last no longer than 15 minutes so that it will be easier to sleep at night.


Follow your instincts

Create a new customized sleep routine . If you feel your productivity is best in the mornings, get up earlier and if you work best at night, you can extend your activities and wake up later the next day.

Dim the lights

Reduce the brightness of lighting by the end of the day and choose dimmer alternatives. For instance, if you are watching TV, do so with the lights in your room off; the light from the screen will be enough.

Monitor your diet

It is best not to go to sleep neither hungry nor after eating a lot. Eating too much can make you uncomfortable and you will spend hours trying to sleep.

Be careful with what you drink

Avoid nicotine and caffeine hours before sleeping because their stimulating effects take long to disappear. Alcohol can make you feel sleepy but it could interrupt your sleep later.

