
COVID-19: Authorities release Mexican doctor charged with abuse of power on parole

The doctor was previously placed under house arrest due to health issues

On August 1, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) launched an investigation into the case - Photo: Feature photography
16/08/2020 |10:37Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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A judge in Chiapas released Dr. Gerardo Vicente Grajales Yuca , accused of abuse of power, on parole. The doctor was previously placed under house arrest . Moreover, Grajales Yuca, can’t leave the state until prosecutors finish the investigation.

The doctor was placed under house arrest due to health issues. Authorities arrested him on July 25, after a woman filed a lawsuit against the doctor. She argues the Grajales Yuca requested a patient’s family to purchase medicine and medical equipment to treat a patient infected with COVID-19 .

The woman who filed a lawsuit against the Chiapas doctor is Miguel Arturo Ramírez López’s daughter. Ramírez López was mayor three times and was the leader of a local political party. He died after contracting COVID-19. According to the investigation, the man arrived at the hospital on June 21 and Dr. Grajales Yuca treated him.

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Doctors discharged him from the hospital on June 25 but he returned on June 26. While the patient was at the intensive care unit, the doctor was in touch with Ramírez López’s family through WhatsApp and in person.


Ramírez López’s argues the doctor asked them to purchase medical equipment and supplies worth between MXN 1,700 and MXN 42,000. The family also argues that Grajales Yuca asked for medicine and offered to apply it to the patient on the condition that they would later purchase the medicine. The patient’s daughter said the doctor lasciviously looked at her. The woman added that the doctor asked her to purchase the medicine because there was a national shortage and because it wasn’t available at the hospital.

Chiapas’ Health Ministry said the hospital had the required medicine and equipment to treat COVID-19 patients.

On August 1, the National Human Rights Commission ( CNDH ) launched an investigation into the case since Chiapas authorities might have violated the doctor’s human rights.

According to the CNDH, one of the doctor’s relatives reported that since the arrest, the Chiapas Attorney General’s Office had violated his human rights.

One of the doctor’s lawyer said that the local prosecutor’s office launched an investigation against health authorities , who allegedly created an exclusive area to treat COVID-19 patients at the public hospital in exchange for large sums of money.


While under house arrest, the Mexican doctor said he is innocent and that authorities treated him as a criminal. He also hopes there will be justice in his case.

After spending a few weeks in prison, the doctor was taken to a Chiapas hospital after suffering a high-blood pressure crisis. He was later taken home and placed under house arrest because he suffers from heart disease.

He said the public hospital did have a special area to treat “important people” but said it was created and managed by Alberto Cundapí Núñez, the hospital director.

The doctor’s lawyer recently released a video that shows a conversation between Grajales and Karen Alejandra Ramírez, the woman who filed the lawsuit. In the recording, the woman doesn’t complain or accuse the doctor of requesting medicines.

According to the lawyer, the video proves authorities fabricated the case and that it is all a lie.

Meanwhile, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that although Dr. Grajales Yuca’s case is a state affair, the federal government will intervene to find a solution.

López Obrador said Interior Minister would reach out to governor Rutilio Escandón to handle the case.

Last week, healthcare workers in Mexico City, Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Puebla, and Morelos protested to demand the release of Dr. Grajales Yuca.
