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Chile, Hungary, France,
the United States, Germany , the European Union , and UNESCO have supported the reconstruction of historical buildings , located mainly in Puebla , Morelos , and Mexico City . The help includes financial aid of up to MXN $25 million and technical advice from experts .
According to the Culture Ministry, Chile contributed with USD $1.3 million for the former San Guillermo Abad del Cristo Aparecido convent , in Totolapan, Morelos , and the San Sebastián chapel , Oaxaca . Hungary gave Mexico technical assistance to carry out digital 3D scans to the first monasteries of the 16th century, near the Popocatépetl volcano , and other four buildings; it's also considering adopting five more buildings in Mexico City.
The European Union contributed with technical assistance and academic activities to analyze the basics about the preservation of monuments. France adopted to buildings: San Bernardino de Siena , in Xochimilco and Francisco de Asís, Puebla . The US will grant USD $200,000 for the Former San Martín de Tours convent , Huaquechula , Puebla. Germany is considering adopting five buildings in Mexico City .
The UNESCO offered USD $50,000 from the Germany Foundation Fund for the Heritage , to restore the temple and former Santo Domingo de Guzmán convent, in Hueyapan, Morelos; USD $80,000 from the Emergency Fund for the World Heritage for the old temple and convent of Nuestra Señora, in Tochimilco , Puebla; USD $180 million from the 1972 Convention Fund for the historic center of Puebla, Mexico City , Xochimilco , and the first monasteries near the Popocatépetl volcano.
Other donations,
The Harp Helú Foundation donated MXN $60 million to buildings in the Istmo area: the temple and Santo Domingo convent , in Tehuantepec , and the cultural center and church in San Vicente Ferrer, in Juchitán , and offered a bridge loan for over MXN $100 million. The Slim Foundation supports the restoration of 16 buildings in Mexico City and Morelos ; and donated over 900 tarpaulins to protect building undergoing the restoration process.
The Rome III University is working on heritage evaluation programs. They predict that in November, in collaboration with the European Union , a Congress with analysis roundtables and study cases with experts on heritage issues. Lime workshops were taught in Morelos, Puebla, and the State of Mexico , by restorers , and architects .