
Could somebody explain to the PGR...

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Alberto Elías Beltrán - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
28/01/2018 |09:55
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Could somebody explain to the PGR...

It seems the head of Mexico's Office of the Attorney General (PGR), Alberto Elías Beltrán, is not getting things right and the case of former Veracruz Governor, Javier Duarte, has given him a headache. While the mistake to obtain the extradition of Javier Nava – one of the alleged members of Duarte's operation – was made by Spain's Minister of Justice, the PGR officials aren't entirely blameless. Since September they ought to have realized the verbal note explaining Nava's role in Duarte's network was missing. It seems the personnel of the PGR handling the most important cases for Mexico doesn't have the necessary experience and needs someone to explain to them how to do it. This “involuntary mistake” could prevent Javier Nava from being extradited to Mexico .

The Green rebellion in Chiapas

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Some say the rebellion of the center-right Green Party (PVEM) in Chiapas is just smoke, a smoke that's just causing some teary eyes over the PVEM's resistance to approve the candidacy for Governor of the state of Roberto Albores , of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), above their own candidate, Eduardo Ramírez . The tricky part is that, according to some, this fracture with the PVEM could cause more than tears, as this could cost almost a million votes to the aspiring presidential candidate of the PRI, José Antonio Meade . Do they want to lose? They ask between sobs...and tears.

MORENA goes for all in Puebla

Senator Miguel Barbosa will hand out his request for a leave of absence this week to join Andrés Manuel López Obrador on a tour in the state Puebla , from February 2 to 6, where they will visit 14 cities. Our sources say that on this tour, the support of Obrador for the once president of the Senate and organizer of the mass exodus of senators from the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) to the far-left Labor Party (PT) – a year ago – will be quite obvious, as this senator has also spoken of the importance of Obrador winning the 2018 General Election. The maximum leader of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) will conclude his tour in Cholula , a city where the local government was left without the support of the armed forces as a consequence of the unconstitutionality lawsuit filed against the Law on Internal Security . For Barbosa, the priorities now are the campaign and the urns.

Corral and human rights

Within the coordination works between the Federal Government and the government of Chihuahua regarding the investigation against former Chihuahua Governor César Duarte , we're told Chihuahua negotiators have insisted that to gain some progress on the case it's necessary to stop talking about the torture complaint filed by the former secretary-general of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alejandro Gutiérrez – currently arrested for the crime of funding political campaigns with public resources. The question the Federal Government asks is why, if the state has denied the alleged torture they now want to stop talking about this issue. Yesterday, Mexico's Human Rights Commission has asked precautionary measures to the Chihuahua Government for the likely violation of the rights of Gutiérrez. Dun dun dun...the plot thickens.
