
Corruption at the Texcoco airport

It was said the construction of Mexico's new international airport would be shielded against corruption

The Texcoco Aiport - Photo: Pedro Pardo/AFP
07/01/2019 |09:17
Redacción El Universal
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It was always said that the construction of Mexico's new international airport would be shielded against corruption .

With this aim, the project was supervised by the Ministry of Public Administration and the National Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection . The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued recommendations to grant reliability to the project and created reports about its developments. The Engineering Academy also offered advice.

It was also said that in order to ensure transparency and legality in the process of hiring companies to build the project , social witnesses , a public notary , and the internal control organism would participate. It was also said the presentation and bid opening would be live streamed through the NAIM's website , as well as the final decision.

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It was claimed that the whole world was paying attention to the project; therefore, an “ impeccable and transparent ” execution was essential.

Nevertheless, everything indicates that there is no limit to gain personal benefit from public works. Today, EL UNIVERSAL reveals that federal authorities are investigating the diversion of MXN $17,000 million from the resources belonging to Mexico City's Airport Group (GACM) , which were mean to be used in the construction of the new airport. The investigations point at the purchase of materials such as tezontle and basalt , which was purchased, without contracts, from companies and unions linked to the former project manager, and the product acquired didn't fulfill the necessary quality standards.

The groups close to the former project manager controlled a cargo transportation monopoly and the purchase of the material.

Despite the announcement made on December 27, when the suspension of the construction was made official, it's necessary to investigate, publish, and punish any resource mismanagement or conflicts of interest that took place during the construction of the Texcoco airport.

The country is progressing slowly in regards to transparency in public works. The purchase of material at a higher price and the assignment of “friendly” construction companies was a modus operandi for several administrations in every government level.

If there are doubts about the diversion of funds in the most scrutinized project from the previous administration, what can be expected in smaller projects all over the country?
