
Coronavirus Quarantine: Stream the Ambulante documentary film festival for free

Ambulante was created by Mexicans Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal

The films will be available from April 29 through May 28 – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
21/04/2020 |13:03César Huerta |
Redacción El Universal
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66 Mexican and foreign documentaries

will be available online for free in , the competition created by Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal.

Due to the health contingency, Ambulante, a film tour specialized in documentaries, has chosen feature films and TV shows for children that will be available from April 29 through May 28 . One film will be broadcast online every day.

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In a live stream through their Instagram accounts, the so-called “ charolastras ” officially presented the project.


“For me, documentaries are marvelously pertinent to understand how we have built such a vulnerable society ; today, more than ever, it is highly important [to understand it]; the pandemic and the confinement have worked like a magnifying glass,” said Luna.

For his part, García added that Ambulante will only be available for Mexico due to copyright issues.

Paulina Suárez

, general director of Ambulante, added that there will also be daily virtual meetings with the day’s film directors or experts on the topic of the day.

“This is an entrée due to the situation we are going through; we decided to develop this project to keep promoting documentaries ” she asserted.


“Also with hopes of being able to return to our usual routine when this crisis is over and we can go back to movie theaters and public spaces.”

Under the name “ ” (Ambulante at Home), the organizers will be able to view which states watch the documentaries.

“It gives us the chance to look for online audiences and identify the location of documentary fans and see if we can add those places to future tours,”

Suárez stressed that the idea is to organize Ambulante en Casa every year taking into account that there are two different kinds of audiences, one online and one in traditional movie theaters.

