
Coronavirus Quarantine: Cooking lessons taught by top chefs

Learn how to cook new recipes during this quarantine!

Top Mexican and international chefs are sharing recipes on social media - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
24/03/2020 |14:31Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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Amid the pandemic affecting Mexico and the world, it’s essential to implement measures such as self-quarantine and in order to avoid more contagions and the collapse of healthcare systems.

We know isolation can be tough but it doesn’t mean you can’t learn new things and enjoy your time at home .


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During this quarantine , EL UNIVERSAL in English will be sharing a list of things you can do while you stay home!

Since a lot of restaurants are closing and you might be bored of pizza and fast food, you can always learn how to cook delicious recipes shared by top chefs such as Carlos Gaytan, Massimo Bottura, Ina Garten , Jamie Oliver, and many more chefs!

These talented chefs have been sharing new recipes every day; however, you can finally take the time to cook and make many more recipes available online.
