
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets

Drones have captured the quiet emptiness of Mexico City during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mexico City is the biggest city in Mexico - Photo: Miguel Kurz
01/04/2020 |16:59Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Not long ago, several users , professional drone operators , and photographers in the Chinese city of Wuhan , the region where the originated, used drones to register what was happening in different parts of the city amidst the coronavirus outbreak .

As the virus spread to other countries until it became a pandemic , more internet users all over the world have joined this photographic project.


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Recently, it was the turn of Mexico City. Endorsed by DJI , a drone making company, the experts on the operation of these air vehicles Miguel Kurz and Gerardo Sandoval were able to capture the following images of the capital of Mexico during the pandemic.

Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets


Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets
Coronavirus lockdown empties Mexico City’s streets

