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The group overseeing the construction of Mexico City ’s new $13 billion airport said on Tuesday it has suspended four contract tenders while the country’s president-elect decides on the project’s future.
The suspension came after a meeting on July 17 among officials from the Ministry of Communications and Transports (SCT) , the Mexico City Airport Group (GACM) , and the government transition team.
During the encounter, information about the airport’s construction and contract status was shared, leading to a thorough revision of the project’s technical, social, financial, geological, and environmental details.
The decision involves international examinations for the Construction of Exterior Distribution Networks, the Construction of the Fuel Distribution Network, the Supervision for the Construction of the Fuel Distribution Network, and the Supply, Installation, and Commissioning for the Airfield Lighting Systems .
President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador
has said the project is too expensive and full of corruption. He said after his landslide victory on July 1 he would hold a public consultation on whether to scrap, concession out or continue the project after reviewing the details.
Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de Mexico (GACM)
said on Tuesday it had suspended the tenders indefinitely, including one for a fuel distribution network and another for lighting systems for the runways.
GACM stated that the suspension would not affect current contractual commitments undertaken by the Airport Group with regard to suppliers and contractors. The construction of Mexico City’s new airport shall continue according to plan, respecting the conditions established in the contracts.