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President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
announced that the federal government will “waste no time” and that the construction of the new international airport will begin in January . He also announced that the construction of a runway will begin in March and that the new airport will be ready in three years.
“We won't waste any time, the project for the construction of the runways in Santa Lucía was presented yesterday and we will fulfill the promise that it'll be ready in three years (…). We will begin (working) in Santa Lucía in January, next month, we're talking about studies, we will have the heavy machinery working in Santa Lucía . If I remember correctly, because they showed me the schedule yesterday, the construction of the runway will start in March.”
He explained that the terminal is going to be built in March too, as well as a road to connect Mexico City 's International Airport, “Benito Juárez” , with Santa Lucía , “the three great construction works of the new project.”
The President explained that if the Texcoco project had continued, two runways would have been ready until 2024 , “now, in three years, we will have five runways, but now we're going to save up, at least MXN $100,000 million , the projected was presented yesterday and an investment of around MXN $70,000 million has been estimated to solve the problem.”