
Commemorating the Mexican Independence

The traditional military parade marched through the streets of Mexico City to celebrate Independence Day

Mexico City Zócalo - Horacio Jiménez/EL UNIVERSAL
17/09/2017 |10:00Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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In Mexico City, at exactly 11:00, the gates of the National Palace opened and President Enrique Peña Nieto left the venue to raise the monumental flag of the Zócalo , pass inspection on the troops and signal the beginning of the military parade to commemorate the 207th anniversary of the Mexican Independence .

The military parade began with a circuit around the Zocalo and then marched through some of the most important avenues of the city, such as 5 de Mayo Avenue, Avenue Juárez, and Paseo de la Reforma.

The President returned to the National Palace to appear at the main balcony together with General Salvador Cienfuegos , Admiral Francisco Vidal Soberón, and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera , among others.

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This is the first year where battalions are led by women soldiers during a military parade.
