
The Cofepris is holding the pharmaceutical industry back

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

According to reports, the Cofepris has been quite ineffective in recent months - Photo: Courtesy of Cofepris
18/08/2019 |09:45
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The Cofepris is holding the pharmaceutical industry back

The pharmaceutical industry is currently paralyzed, stagnated almost 9 months after the new government took office. We've been told that the head of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) , Dr. José Alonso Novelo , has over 14,000 procedures in stand-by. The business leaders consider that it is urgent that Dr. Novelo starts solving the pending procedures, which could help President López Obrador' s strategy to boost the health sector and improve the services. Does Dr. Novelo know that the ineffectiveness at the Cofepris has prevented the development and research of new medicines? Try and call the Cofepris offices so you can verify that no one answers the business leaders and citizens.

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Martí Batres vs. Mónica Fernández

In less than 24 hours, in the Senate , the ruling party , Morena , will decide if the directive board will be led by a woman or if Martí Batres will remain in the position. We've been told that senator Mónica Fernández Balboa joined the race, just as she did last year. Both contenders have the “magic numbers” to be elected. We've been told that Mónica Fernández is asking for the unity and consensus formula, which benefited Batres in 2018 . On the other hand, Batres is determined to remain in the position and has warned his party that citizens are “expecting unity, unity , and more unity.” We've been told that the decision will be made on Monday.

The revocation of mandate is not happening

Ruling party Morena won't be able to approve the revocation of mandate bill because the opposition knows that its survival depends on its rejection. The majority in the Senate , Morena , needs votes from the opposition , at least two thirds but it won't be able to obtain them. In any case, its approval would be political suicide for the opposition because President López Obrador would appear in th e 2021 election ballots and, once again, he would triumph . We've been told that the revocation of mandate proposal never had any future and Morena members will bury it in September.

Ruiz Massieu says goodbye

Claudia Ruiz Massieu,

the PRI leader , is leaving the PRI presidency after a disastrou s 2019 elections . We've been told that Ruiz Massieu took the time to send letters to the party members saying that all of them are necessary for the party. We've been told that she's returning to the Senate , where she will be available for the party whenever she's needed and will “continue the defense of the essential institutions for the Mexican government .” The new PRI leader, Alejandro Moreno , known as Alito , who will have to build an opposition party and not a Morena satellite .
