
Coco dominates Annie Awards

Sealing its position as the frontrunner nominee for both Animated Feature Film and Original Song in the Oscars

In Disney•Pixar’s “Coco,” Miguel finds himself magically transported to the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead – Photo: Featured photography
06/02/2018 |12:01AP |
Redacción El Universal
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, the Disney-Pixar film about the traditional Day of the Dead dominated the 45th Annie Awards winning 11 awards out of 13 nominations, including Best Animated Feature .


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also won prizes for the direction the award for direction ( Director Lee Unkrich and Co-Director Adrián Molina ), best voice ( Anthony González as Miguel ), best music , best animated effects , best character animation , and best script .

The Annies victory seals Coco 's position as a frontrunner Animated Feature Film and Original Song nominee in the Oscars .

The Annie Award is an American award for accomplishments in animation . The Annies have been presented by the Los Angeles branch of the International Animated Film Association , ASIFA-Hollywood since 1972 . This year's 45th edition took place on Saturday, February 3, 2018, at UCLA's Royce Hall in Los Angeles, California.
