
Clashes with Mancera over 09/19

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Miguel Ángel Mancera, Mexico City's Mayor – File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
24/09/2017 |09:00
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Clashes with Mancera over 09/19 

According to our sources, a meeting was held yesterday evening between Federal officials and authorities of Mexico City. Among the agreements reached, it was also of note that there were a couple of disagreements with Miguel Ángel Mancera , Mayor of Mexico City. The meeting didn't run smoothly, in the first place because several attendees were upset that the earthquake happened last Tuesday and the meeting was called too late to assign tasks, such as the creation of the list of damaged buildings. The second issue which sparked the keg was that Mancera wasn't even in the meeting – the one who attended was Patricia Mercado on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior. If they've decided to set their differences aside is because, without the list of damaged buildings and the same damage review mechanism, none will be able to access the National Disaster Fund (FONDEN).

Sheinbaum and the Rébsamen school

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The tragedy of the Rébsamen school demands an investigation, in which Tlalpan's governor, Claudia Sheinbaum , has a few skeletons in her closet which link her to the ghost of “Frida Sofía”, we've been told. It turns out that her ex-husband, Carlos Imaz Gispert , was Tlalpan's governor back in 2003-2004. Let's hope that the in-depth investigation Sheinbaum has promised to conduct prior to the demolition of the property doesn't involve Carlos Imaz. The local governor, and almost-candidate to Mexico City's Mayor, is still deciding which institutions will be in charge of the investigation, under the current conditions of the building, so that experts can take a look and determine what was poorly built and assign the necessary liabilities. By the way, back in his days, Imaz revealed that Carlos Ahumada gave him money, but according to him, he refused to grant him the Public Works Office which, without a doubt, would've been a huge business.

Earthquake brought peace to deputies

It's very likely that next Tuesday an important debate will be resumed at the Chamber of Deputies. We're told the quake of last September 19 halted, for a couple of days, the clash between the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the members of the Opposition Bloc in San Lázaro – conservative National Action Party ( PAN ), left Democratic Revolution Party ( PRD ), and the Citizen's Movement ( MC ). The resolution of what will be approved is in the horizon; whether it will be a Sole Command, as promoted by the PRI, or a Mixed Command, as promoted by the Opposition Bloc. Our sources say the PRI has filed a request to hold a referendum during the upcoming General Election, to ask the citizens if they want a Sole or Mixed Command. Yet the PAN has already protested against it, stating that pursuant to the Law, referendums cannot be called on human rights restrictions, electoral matters, expenses and profits of the State, National security and the discipline of the Armed Forces.

AMLO wants to sell presidential plane

Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) has decided to be a part of the debate on political parties funds and the earthquake on 09/19. In addition to opening his own wallet, he has also proposed to sell the presidential plane, among other actions, to donate the funds to the earthquake victims. The other parties are busy with the snatching and grabbing, without agreeing on how or how much. When will it end?
