
Mexico City: Crime and corruption

Policies implemented in other regions have shown that decent salaries and strict trust control tests are key factors to end corruption

The navy in Tláhuac - Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
03/12/2018 |09:16
Redacción El Universal
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In the fight against corruption , one of the biggest challenges will take place in Mexico City . In the last years, the presence of criminal groups has become more evident. Executions became almost an everyday event. There were images of dismembered bodies in the capital, in the main avenues, as well as drug dealing, extortion cases against restaurants and bars, as well as robberies .

In July 2017, a military operation in the south of the city resulted in the death of the Tláhuac cartel leader.

A large part of this situation is the result of corruption, understood as the complicity that takes place between authorities and criminal bands, which allows them to operate without obstacles

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One of the organizations that took over large regions was the Unión Tepito group, but the influence is achieved in the last decade places it beyond Mexico City . Today, EL UNIVERSAL revealed that the criminal band built a business network in 10 states, according to a report made by Mexico City's Financial Intelligence Department and the Undersecretariat of Police Information and Intelligence of the local Public Security Secretariat , in collaboration with the Attorney General's Office.

Next Wednesday, a new administration will take office in Mexico City and the challenge it will face in regards to crime is huge.

They can allocate more resources to security, acquire more patrols, recruit more police officers, train them, but if corruption or the infiltration of criminals aren't eradicated, the situation will stay the same.

The relaxation of control can't be allowed if they want to place Mexico City as an example of security once again.

Experiences in other regions in the country have shown that decent salaries and strict trust control tests are key factors to end with behaviors that encourage crime.

Homicide in the capital has reached the highest levels since this type of records began, two decades ago. Diminishing them will be one of the most complex during the incoming administration. If corruption is contained, the biggest step will be accomplished.
