
Chichén Itzá, Mexico’s new wonder of the world, reopens to public

The reopening of archeological sites is part of Yucatán's economic reactivation

Chichén Itzá is one of the new 7 wonders of the world - Photo: Francisco Martín/EFE
22/09/2020 |14:23
Redacción El Universal
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As part of the economic reactivation in Yucatán, the Chichén Itzá archeological site will reopen today after being closed for six months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Likewise, another five archeological sites have already reopened without any major events and according to authorities’ plans.

Daniel Vega Zepeda, general secretary of the National Democratic Union of the Culture Ministry’s Workers (SNDTSC) in Yucatán, added that the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) followed the restrictions to ensure the health of staff and visitors, so there was no obstacle for the sites to reopen.

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“Authorities are complying with all the supplies and protocols to be able to give service to visitors and workers,” he stated.


Moreover, he said the Uxmal archeological site reopened without any issues and without affecting its normal operations; nevertheless, “we will return to verify it is working.”

Vega Zepeda said that although archeological sites closed their doors to the public, workers continued performing maintenance tasks, which was acknowledged by federal authorities.

Likewise, he said they will continue monitoring the sites that are about to reopen so that they also comply with the agreed conditions.

Chichén Itzá reopened on September 22, along with the Dzibilchaltún archeological site - which had nearly 400 visitors -, just in time for the Fall Equinox, and received over 1,600 visitors.

Authorities added that only 3,000 visitors will be allowed to enter the site per day in groups of 10 people.

The director of the Board of Trustees of Culture of Yucatán, Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, said that the “El Corchito” facilities at the Progreso port have been opened since last Tuesday.

He said they trust all Mayan sites will reopen without any obstacles and in compliance with all the health protocols for personnel and tourists due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
