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Sarampión se ha convertido en enfermedad reemergente; vacunación en México es del 70%, alertan académicas de la UNAM
¿Hasta cuándo se puede renovar la credencial de elector para votar en la reforma judicial?; esta es la fecha límite
MC plantea reforma contra brecha salarial; busca crear políticas públicas contra la discriminación remuneraría
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Ceasefire at the Electoral Tribunal?
After the unprecedented fight, at least in public, at the Electoral Tribunal , we've been told that the magistrate José Luis Vargas Valdez and the Tribunal 's president, Janine Otálora Malassis agreed on a truce and they will no longer continue making accusations against each other. We've been told that although both of them have placed their trust in the truce , we'll have to wait until the weekend to see if they comply with the ceasefire . We've been told that both consider that, despite their differences, harmony is the best for the Judiciary . But, they explain, said truce doesn't condition the request of a public session announced by Vargas Valdez to discuss the pertinence of Otálora 's permanence as the president, and even less the cancellation of the lawsuits he said he would file. Will they maintain the Christmas truce ?
The 4th Transformation keeps on forgiving
Yesterday, in this same section, we told you about how the 4th Transformation forgave a public servant . But we have now confirmed it's magnanimous, as it also absolved the sins of another public servant from the National Electoral Institute . In this newspaper, we've documented the case of the former Secretariat director, Jorge Lavoignet , who was dismissed for sexual harassment . Well, it turns out that his former private secretary , Jorge de la Garza , who was temporarily sanctioned after harassing the victim at work, is back and forgiven. Garza quit but he's now back at the INE and now he's a counselor to Carlos Humberto Suárez , Morena 's representative at the INE .
Good news for the INE
By the way, in regards to the sexual harassment case at the INE that resulted in the dismissal of Jorge Lavoignet , it actually had a positive outcome. A young woman will take over the position, which is quite important in the institute. Daniela Casar will be officially appointed as new director of the INE's Secretariat today. They hope that Daniela Casar is able to return things to normality since they were affected by the removal process against Lavoignet .
The PRI throws shade against the 4th Transformation
Everything indicates that the PRI's national leader, Senator Claudia Ruiz Massieu , is sparking off a quarrel inside her party in hopes of creating a plan to confront the “ authoritarianism ” in Andrés Manuel López Obrador's government . We've been told that Claudia Ruiz is planning a meeting with the National Executive Committee and some leaders to “modify” the party's action plan, a faculty of the National Political Council and the National Assembly . The PRI 's new action plan, according to the PRI 's leadership, will be useful to face the attacks launched by López Obrador . But the strategy wasn't welcomed by PRI members from the LIDER current, who are questioning the Senator for stepping over the party's internal regulation . So they asked to meet with the national leadership to discuss said changes.