
Carlos Romero Deschamps steps down as Pemex union boss

Carlos Romero Deschamps, now the former leader of the oil workers union of of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), delivers a speech during the 80th anniversary of the expropriation of Mexico's oil industry – Photo: Edgard Garrido/Reuters
16/10/2019 |14:17Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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Carlos Romero Deschamps

, the controversial leader of the oil workers union and politician , has resigned as the head of the trade union.

Today, the oil workers union organized an assembly where Deschamps's resignation was approved.

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It was announced that Manuel Limón Hernández , a federal PRI lawmaker, will succeed Deschamps while the union organizes an internal election.

On Tuesday, President López Obrador announced that Deschamps , the veteran leader of the powerful union is facing formal accusations of wrongdoing , a statement that increased the pressure on the union leader to resign.

In July, sources said the Attorney General’s Office had accused Pemex union chief Carlos Romero Deschamps and his family members of illicit enrichment and money laundering ; nevertheless, he has denied the accusations.

During his morning news conference, López Obrador confirmed that “ complaints have been presented to the Attorney General’s Office.

“I think anyone who faces a complaint like this and at the same time is in charge of a union ,” he added, “it’s best not to involve institutions and handle it on a personal level.”

Nevertheless, the President added that Romero Deschamps wouldn't be persecuted and insisted that the case should be handled by strictly adhering to the law .

Who is Romero Deschamps?

Romero Deschamps

is a former PRI senator . He has led the oil workers union since 1993 and although his current term is set to end in 2024, he has resigned after 26 years.

For years, media outlets have reported the lavish lifestyle of Romero Deschamps and his family, which included trips on private jets and the purchase of luxury sports cars and jewelry , despite his allegedly modest salary.
