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From May 2017 to last April , the theft of insured cars reached a number of 91,535 units , 19.8% more than the previous year, according to the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS).
The institution informed that the State of Mexico and Jalisco are highest on the car theft list, accounting for 42% of total car thefts .
The State of Mexico is the entity where the most car thefts have been registered, with a number of 26,547 stolen cars as of April 2018 , whereas Jalisco was second place , with a total of 11,801.
According to AMIS, the number of vehicles that were recovered during that period was of 32,640 , which represented an increase of 24% compared to the previous year.
AMIS explained that, during the last two months, nationwide violent car theft rates remained at 63% , exceeding the 58% rate from last year. The situation is at an increase , particularly in the states of Guerrero and Sinaloa , which showed a rate of 83% and 78% each.