
Cancun: Most visited city in Latin America

Cancun attracted a total of 6 million 269 thousand tourists last year, according to Euromonitor

The city ranked 35th worldwide, holding the 5th position in the continent, right after New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
28/12/2018 |20:40Newsroom |
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was deemed the most visited city in Latin America by the strategic market research firm Euromonitor International .

In their annual report, Euromonitor International states that Cancun attracted a total of 6 million 269 thousand tourists last year. In their top 100, the city ranked 35th , holding the 5th position in the continent, right after New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas .

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Furthermore, Mexico City ranked 3rd among the most visited Latin American cities , and 88th on the global list. The capital registered an increase in tourist inflow, with 2 million 434 thousand travelers.

Some of the most visited cities in Latin America were Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lima, Perú; Santiago, Chile, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .
