
A busy day for the President

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The President will meet Cuba's President, inaugurate the project at Santa Lucía, and travel to Oaxaca - Photo: Carlos Mejía/EL UNIVERSAL
17/10/2019 |13:50
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A busy day for the President

We've been told that President López Obrador will have a busy schedule today. He will start his activities at 6 A.M. with a meeting with his security cabinet ; an hour later, he will host his news conference , and then, he will go t o Santa Lucía to inaugurate the construction of the airport . Later, he will meet with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel at noon. Then he will travel to Oaxaca , where he will have work commitments throughout the weekend.

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Fernández Noroña apologizes

Lawmaker Gerardo Fernández Noroña

has to issue an apology to PRI and PAN lawmakers . Everything happened at the Energy Commission at the lower chamber, where lawmakers rejected the proposal to establish preferential electricity tariffs in the states with extreme temperatures during summer. Lawmakers from all parties recognized that is was an urgent issue and made a promise during their electoral campaign but then they said they couldn't affect the CFE's finances. Therefore, the majority of the parties rejected the proposal, except MC. Noroña then accused the PAN and PRI of wanting to lower the tariffs now that they are the opposition. Morena member Manuel Rodríguez, the head of the commission, had to make it clear that the vote in favor of the bill would eliminate changes in the tariffs. So Noroña apologized. We've been told that in different sectors in Morena and the federal government , Fernández Noroña's attitude is worrying because of its high political cost. “He was gone from protesting to misogyny and swearing without control.” says a member from the current government.

Rigoberta Menchú shows support

Dozens of women and men want to lead the National Human Rights Commission but very few would be recommended by a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Lawyer Carlos Pérez has Rigoberta Menchú 's stamp of approval, who had also the founder of the first Human Rights Office at the Supreme Court and the one who led the Mexican court to be awarded the UN Human Rights award in 2013 . In the letter he sent to the Senate , Rigoberta Menchú praises the Mexican lawyer for hos trustworthiness and independence .

The USMCA is at risk

The new packing in food and beverages might be a problem. We've been told that during a meeting between the members of the Health Commission in the Senate , where they approved the new packing that warns about health risks , senator Silvana Beltrones applauded the proposal but warned that it violates international treaties signed by Mexico and it also represents an obstacle for the ratification of the USMCA . Beltrones proposed some changes but was dismissed by senator Miguel Ángel Navarro. We've been told that perhaps no one has informed this risk to President López Obrador and chancellor Marcelo Ebrard.
