
Businessmen agree to work with AMLO

Mexico's business elite agrees to support López Obrador should he win on election day

López Obrador at the Mexican Business Council - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
06/06/2018 |10:03
Redacción El Universal
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At a closed-door meeting which lasted almost three hours, the members of the Mexican Business Council and Andrés Manuel López Obrador , presidential candidate of the “Together We'll Make History” coalition, smoothed things out and agreed that if he were to win the election on July 1, they would work together with him in a development plan for the economic growth of the country.

It was a meeting where phones were banned and began at 8:30 sharp. Obrador arrived at the venue with some of the members of his team: Alfonso Romo, Josefa González Blanco, and César Yáñez.

At the elevator doors, López Obrador was received by the President of the Mexican Business Council Alejandro Ramírez and Eduardo Tricio, president of the Lala Group and shareholder of Aeroméxico.

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During the meeting, they agreed to support President Enrique Peña Nieto in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) and to make sure this negotiation with the United States doesn't have a negative impact on Mexico.

The presidential candidate and the leaders of the private sector agreed to fight corruption and have zero deficit, and took the opportunity to put all their disagreements on the table.

Among the attendees were the following businessmen: Germán Larrea, president of Mexico Group; Roberto Hernández, President of Banamex; Alberto Baillères, President of Grupo Bal; Emilio Azcárraga Jean, Chairman of the Televisa Board of Directors; Carlos Slim Domit , from Carso Group; Juan Pablo Castañón, Claudio X. González Laporte, and Rodrigo Rojas Navarrete.

“We clarified all doubts, we smoothed things out, and we established a commitment to work together should the Mexican people decide I'm to be the next President of the Republic,” said Obrador.

For his part, the President of the Business Coordination Council, Juan Pablo Castañón , also agreed they had a respectful and mature dialogue with the candidate. “Our conviction is for Mexico, regardless of who wins, we'll continue investing and collaborating for Mexico,” he said.
