
“Boys will be boys”, Cabeza de Vaca?

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Cabeza de Vaca was caught making sexist comments - Photo: Taken from Ismael García Cabeza de Vaca's Twitter account
26/09/2018 |09:25
Redacción El Universal
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“Boys will be boys”, Cabeza de Vaca?

The PAN senator, Ismael García Cabeza de Vaca, was exposed when during a Senate session when he was caught chatting on his phone and commented misogynist and vulgar things about a woman's photo. Later, when the picture was shared on social media, the Senator tried to control the damages through his Twitter account, recognizing that the conversation was misogynist and that he shouldn't have been part of it, and that it was an “inappropriate joke”. We're told that beyond his apologies, the event does little to clean the image people have of legislators and the service they provide for the country, as the messages speak volumes about the PAN's politician personality, but they say more about how he decides to spend his time, paid for by taxpayers. Will Martí Batres , the Senate's president , and the PAN's bench coordinator will settle for a Twitter apology ?

AMLO and his PRIAN love affair

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Love and peace don't always triumph. Although the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , has insisted he doesn't want revenge, and that he won't persecute his rivals and political enemies, his followers aren't fully convinced. Yesterday, Mr. Andrés held a meeting in Tlaxcala , and some PAN and PRI leaders attended and went on stage where the P resident-elect delivered his speech. We're told that caused anger among his followers, who yelled “out with the PRI!”, “out with the PAN!”. In the face of the uproar, the President-elect tried to calm people down with a speech about unity, but the screams and whistles didn't stop. They explain that the organizers mistakenly invited the PRI and PAN members to the event. AMLO has spent years saying the “ PRIAN ” caused the worst evils to the country, and his followers won't see them in another light in less than three months.

PRI, from the political to the economic crisis

They say tragedies are always followed by another one, and that fits the PRI . After the party lost the July 1st elections, they now foresee an economic crisis. We've been told that the party has seen itself in the midst of a financial crisis that has led to firings, salary cuts, office cancellations, and even the seizure of the State Directive Committee in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, as they didn't pay their employees. This week, the Finance Secretary, Luis Vega , will send Claudia Ruiz Massieu, the PRI's national leader , a report about the financial state of the party, and they reveal that the news are as disastrous as the July 1st election.

Morena's raffle is back

Just because you asked for it, Morena 's raffles are back. Yesterday, there were many complaints from different Morena deputies towards their coordinator, Mario Delgado, for having placed the Culture and Health commissions on the PES 's hands. They explain that in a meeting previous to the ordinary session, some legislators also questioned Delgado why Morena didn't get one more commission, yet MC was given another one. He was also criticized because Morena didn't get the Radio and Television Commission . We're told that today, Morena's members are going to define the commissions' presidents, and there are three methods available: consensus agreement, secret votes, and as you guessed, through a raffle. What method do you think they'll use?
