
Benefits or decent salaries?

Those who work on the public sector have better work conditions than those in the private sector

01/08/2018 |08:17
Redacción El Universal
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one would protest granting workers great benefits . It's valid that their work is recognized . The problem is that when those benefits come out of the taxpayers' pocket and the benefits aren't equal , even in the public organisms where they grant them.

From April to June , the federal government spent MXN $76,000 million to cover their workers' payments. Among these benefits are the right to aid for social, cultural and sports activities, and aid for books and toys.

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The money distributed in benefits this trimester is higher than some organism's budget like the Tourism Secretariat, Marine Secretariat, Work Secretariat, and the PGR . Combined, these 4 secretariats will spend MXN $55,503 million this year . This number is also higher than the budget announced for the Special Economic Areas.

From those MXN $76,000 million , almost three quarters are spent on employees from four different organisms: IMSS, SEP, Pemex, and CFE. The situation is another portrayal of inequality in Mexico . For example, Pemex's employees are superior to the ones from the Communications and Transport Secretariat, in regards to benefits. In general, those who work in the public sector have better work conditions than those who work in the private sector. An example is the retirement age. In 2021, Pemex's employees will retire when they're 65 years old; they retired at 55 before.


of the government's Expenditure Budget is destined to the so-called current expenditure (salary payments or services to carry out their tasks). Is it necessary to r educe it? Is it more convenient to lower the benefits or the n umber of bureaucrats?

An excess of benefits delays the possibility of decent salaries, in the government and in companies. What would happen if the benefits were cut and they only payed the benefits established by law instead, and in return, the workers' nominal salary would increase?


have contributed to generate a false expectation . Many workers inside the government argue that: “It's not a large salary, but there are lots of benefits”. A strong salar y will always have an effect on the vacation premium payments, the Christmas bonus and pension.

The costs of the benefits must be used to reconsider the salary policies . If every worker would receive a decent salary , it wouldn't be necessary to fight for additional benefits like books or toys aid.
