
Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, the role model Mexico needs

Beatriz Gutiérrez has proposed to end the concept of the “first lady” and won't be part of López Obrador's administration

Gutiérrez Müller announced her intention to end the “first lady” role - Photo: Edgar Garrido/REUTERS
23/07/2018 |10:45Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller,

a writer, historian and academic , is a very independent and opinionated figure , miles away from the typical first lady stereotype. She claimed that “These days, a President's wife must say and do things differently because we have achieved many things, we're no longer seen as ornaments or pure vanity. Us women have spirit and heart, initiative and courage , we work hard all the time”. Her strong views and freedom make her a great role model for girls and women all over the country.

Gutiérrez Müller

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, who is married to Andrés Manuel López Obrador , said that the “first lady” figure will come to an end because it is a snobbish concept . On several occasions, she has declared that she won't take public positions and that she wants to be the wife of a President who does great things for Mexico, and that she wants to support him and “ just be Beatriz”.

“We have to start thinking and acting differently , that's why I've come here today to propose that we end the idea of the first lady, why? So there's no first class and second class women in Mexico , we don't want first and second class men either. With due respect to the women who have played this role before, it's snobbish to call someone the first lady”, she said during a meeting.

She also said: “I have no political or electoral interests , and to be even more clear, I'm not going to be a candidate or a public servant”.

The historian explained that the country has a presidential system, therefore, the power shouldn't rest on a family or a marriage , the President's companion should take part in everything they can but there's a limit.

She affirmed that “I'm not talking about a wife that turns into an obliging shadow , silent or obedient before a system that perpetuates inequality . I'm talking about a companion that's present in good times and in bad times, next to them, in front of the other, thinking in a critical and constructive way ”.

Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller

was born in 1969 in Mexico City . She has a Bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences , a Master in Letters from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Puebla and a Ph.D. by the UAM.

She has written 3 books . She published Long live the sun (Larga vida al sol) in 2011 , then Old New Century: A country sunk in misery and inequality (Viejo siglo nuevo: Un país sumido en la miseria y la desigualdad) was published in 2016 , and Two revolutionaries under the shadow of Madero (Dos revolucionarios a la sombra de Madero), 2016 .
