Since ancient times, one of the most delicious and nutritious legumes has been part of the Mexican diet : beans .

Ever present in Mexican homes , as stews are usually accompanied by beans and rice , beans are a favorite among Mexicans .

“It's a product that can be used to prepare soups or salads ; tostadas , enfrijoladas or filling chilies ,” says chef David Gómez , from the Hotel Nikko México.

The Nahuas named it ayocotl . It has been cultivated for 7,000 years and the Aztecs demanded it as a tribute , a sit was an important part of the Indigenous economy .


are a great source of protein and iron . It's rich in carbohydrates , phosphorus , and cellulose .

Once they're cooked, they can be frozen and they can also be cooked with herbs such as coriander or epazote , which enhances its flavor.


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