
Ballots stolen and burned in Oaxaca

The Electoral Institute of Oaxaca has reported the burning of 8,000 ballots by unknown assailants; authorities reassure all lost ballots will be replaced

Ballots of previous elections being destroyed - File photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL
27/06/2018 |13:12Juan Carlos Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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Several individuals, allegedly armed, stole and burned yesterday 8, 000 ballots in the community of San Juan Quiahije, in the region of the Coast of Oaxaca .

The Electoral Institute of Oaxaca (IEEPCO) confirmed the electoral staff was taking the packages to the district of Mixtepec for their distribution when their vehicle was intercepted by unknown assailants.

These individuals stole and later on burned the ballots, after which they released the electoral assistants, who filed a complaint before the Specialized Attorney's Office against Electoral Crimes.

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The vehicle was carrying 8, 204 ballots for the local congress election.

“It's important to say that we're carrying out an investigation to know the exact amount of ballots burned, their folios, and sections. After this, the [INE] will manage the timely replacement of the burned ballots so the population is able to vote,” said the organization through a statement.
