
Avocado farmers are getting ready for Super Bowl LII

Mexican avocado farmers are setting up a USD$100 million marketing strategy to advertise their products in the United States

Avocados hanging from a tree – Photo: Álvaro Contreras
28/12/2017 |15:17
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Mexican avocado farmers

are setting up a USD$100 million marketing strategy to advertise their products in the United States, months before Super Bowl LII which will be held in Orlando , Florida , on February 4 .

Marío Alejandro Andrade Cárdenas

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, Vice President of Foreign Trade of the National Agricultural Council ( CNA ), assured that the U.S. is the largest and the closest market for Mexican avocado producers.

Andrado Cárdenas mentioned that during the Super Bowl, about USD$100 million are spend to advertise avocados while competing with major brands and a variety of products.

According to analysts, 12% of the total avocado consumption in the U.S. takes place right at the sporting event, since guacamole has become one of the most popular Super Bowl snacks .

Avocado exports to the U.S. market reached USD$ 1,768 million last year, placing avocado among the main Mexican products that are sold in that country, followed by beer and tomatoes.

Thus, Mexican avocado growers expect to maintain sales leadership in 2018 or even a slight sales increase since California registered 20% harvest loss of avocado.

The Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico ( APEAM ) recently said that last avocado season, Mexico exported 894,824 tons of avocado to the world generating about USD$ 2,500 million .

The United States is the first consumer of avocados because in the first 10 months of this year 762,038 tons were sold to the country.

Figures from official U.S. agencies show that 93% of the avocados sold in the country come from Mexico , even though they have other suppliers.
