
Audience to participate in the second presidential debate

A selection of citizens was selected by the INE to attend the second presidential debate and pose questions to the presidential candidates

Screen capture of the first presidential debate - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
14/05/2018 |10:26Newsroom |
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The direct participation of members of the audience at a presidential debate is a feature never seen before in similar events. For the first time, 42 Mexican citizens will be present during the second presidential debate but only six will get to ask questions to the five candidates running for President of Mexico .

The National Electoral Institute (INE) explained in a video that the participants were chosen at random from a sample of Tijuana citizens, selected according to the following criteria:

  • Be registered on the voter's list.
  • Have a high probability of voting.
  • Be undecided voters.

According to the INE, 600 interviews were carried out between May 4 to May 9. From those, 120 people were chosen in this preliminary stage until the number narrowed to 42, who will be present for the second live debate.

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The members of the audience were also chosen to reflect equality of gender and age, being selected as follows:

  1. Four women and four men between the ages 18 to 24.
  2. Nine women and nine men between the ages 25 to 44.
  3. Six women and six men between the ages 45 to 64.
  4. Two women and two men over 65.

Each member of the audience will write two questions on one of the sub-topics to be discussed during the debate.

The moderators will receive the questions submitted a couple of hours prior to the debate to make a selection.

The second presidential debate has the theme “Mexico in the World” and will take place next May 20 at the Autonomous University of Baja California at 21:30 GMT-7
