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The Festival Artisanal de Cacao y Chocolate (Artisanal Chocolate and Cacao Festival) combines the richness and cultural variety of Mexican cacao and chocolate through tastings, workshops, conferences, sales, among other cultural activities.
La Rifa Chocolatería , which was recently awarded in an international competition, will also be present at the event.
The festival will be hosted at the Museo Nacional de las Culturas Populares (Popular Cultures National Museum), starting on October 12 to 14. From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
You will be able to enjoy traditional beverages such as tejate, cacao foam, pozol, among many others.
Producers will also be selling cacao seeds; chocolate bars ranging from 50% to 100% cacao; bonbons, truffles, vegan truffles, chocolate tamales, pan de muerto, ice cream, artwork.
There will be dozens of chocolatiers sharing their art and products, and some of the most interesting and innovative proposals include bonbons with cempasúchitl flowers, bonbons with tamarind and chili, and mezcal filled bonbons.
The festival aims to promote Mexican chocolate and cacao consumption, made in an artisanal way, that way, the producers are benefited and also, the culture around the seed and the processes it goes through to transform into chocolate.